
The Acta Agraria et Silvestria was created in 1961 as a journal of the Committee on Agricultural and Forestry Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Branch in Kraków. At the time, the Editorial Committee consisted of professors: Zygmunt Ewy, Jerzy Fabijanowski, Tadeusz Gieruszyński, Tadeusz Lityński, Halina Pigoniowa, Tadeusz Ruebenbauer, Julian Sawicki and Władysław Szafer. Tadeusz Lityński was the Editor-in-chief, and Jerzy Fabijanowski was Editor of the Forestry series (he held this function until 1996). At that time Jerzy Fabijanowski was an employee of the Department of Forest Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences, and from 1968 he was the head of the Department of Detailed Silviculture at the Higher School of Agriculture in Kraków. From 1997 the Editor of the series was prof. dr hab. Andrzej Jaworski, head of the same Department of the Agricultural Academy, later the Hugo Kołłątaj Agricultural University of in Kraków. After professor A. Jaworski retired in 2014, the function of Editor-in-chief was transferred to dr. hab. Jerzy Skrzyszewski, the head of the Department of Detailed Silviculture of the same university, and mgr inż. Ewa Wojciechowska-Przedpłata became the editorial secretary. Throughout its history, the journal was closely associated with the scientific community of Kraków foresters, and in particular with the Faculty of Forestry of the Agricultural University. Acta Agraria et Silvestria ser. Silvestris appeared as a yearbook. The first issues of this magazine featured papers by prof. Tadeusz Gieruszyński, prof. Kazimierz Zarzycki, prof. Franciszek Krzysik, and prof. Bolesław Adamczyk, among others. Habilitation (post-doctoral) and doctoral (PhD) dissertations were also published. The journal has maintained editorial continuity throughout the history of its existence.
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